ManfredBlog Weekly Product Report: visual improvements and feedback!

Weekly Product Report: visual improvements and feedback!


It was about time that we improved the usability of our public profile, the timeline view, bookmarks and awards are different now.

StackOverflowgeddon was a big shake-up for us. Some product decisions were rushed and some others were launched in an incipient state. We wanted to take that opportunity and our mindset is that there is always room for improving, nothing we release is final. So, having some sections of our public profile waiting to be polished was something quite normal for us. 

This week we are taking one more step in our journey to create a public profile to feel proud of. 

Here you have a visual explanation 👇👇👇

Timeline view and Bookmarks + Awards

Our Frontend and Design team has been working on enhancing the timeline view and some key components of our Manfredites' profiles. While we work on creating big new features, we want to keep delivering value every week to our users, even though it is not a game-changer. 

On one hand, the timeline view was an idea we replicated from StackOverflow Dev Stories (RIP), but we did it in an MVP fashion. Time was a big factor as they were deprecating the system and many users were losing their professional data. Anyway, as you can see in the preview video, it was visually difficult to differentiate the elements in a long public profile with many side-projects, job experiences… This is how we solved it.

On the other hand, bookmarks and awards were a bit dull, with no images or clear contrast among the different types, its final look was not appealing or useful at all. This needed some improvements.

Our “Resistants” are giving us feedback

We are gradually opening the “Update to LinkedIn” feature to more users that are giving us their impressions and thoughts. They have found a few bugs, and we are working on them. As more manfredites enter the beta testing group and actually use the feature, we are also switching our focus to performance. 

It looks like liberating your data is one big and motivating challenge 🙂

Vive la Resistance!